Our Design Philosophy

At Gartner Design Company our designs are guided by how people experience different environments, as well as by our sensitivity to what they enjoy. As designers we are omnivorous, constantly searching for new materials, fresh ideas, and novel experiences to be rendered through our projects.

Our work aims to surprise and excite as it guides people through the entertainment experience. In planning each new project we work to create environments which provides the visitor an opportunity to be transported to a magical world. Sometimes it is an educational moment, the thrill of a ride, a theater presentation, or a casual dining and shopping experience. We encourage the layering of multi-media and interactive elements within each project, yet we know how to work within a limited budget. We understand that simplicity can be the most effective tool for the expression of ideas.

Finally, we treat the design process itself as a comprehensive undertaking. We see design as something that emerges in the interplay between the client, fabricators, and designers. We work hard to assure that all the elements of a project – including story line, script, design, objects and game activities, interactive show elements and installation – work in concert towards the realization of a show, presentation or projects message.